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A member registered Jul 06, 2021

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This was so, so good! Uribel's gentleness brought tears to my eyes and Yrsa was such a good person even though she couldn't see it... Man. I think I'm going to come back and replay this the same way I reread my favorite books. There's just something about this story that clicks in my heart. Thank you so much for making it and sharing it with the world!

(1 edit)

I loved playing the demo! It was so much fun and I felt like I really got to roleplay, not just follow a story. The art is great and I love all the character designs.  Will we be able to customize the player character's appearance in the final game? Will Dex be a romance option?

I did run into a little bug where I went into the Summer Quad/Great Hall and wasn't able to leave again, which was kind of a bummer since I didn't want to increase my Force at that point. I did also notice that when you scroll through the buildings, some of the available opportunities aren't centered on the player's view, so I can see that they're there, but I can't get to them. I noticed this especially in the Winter Quad/Old Building, but it was present in all of the buildings. 

Bugs aside, I think this looks great and I can't wait to play the final version of this game.

I'm having the same problem :(